AnarkoArtLab + Non Grata

New York performance at Russian consulate @3 PM at 9E 91st Str., NYC We bring body parts from Ukraine to deliver to the Russian Consulate in New York City.

Ukraine is between two fires and we bring fire extinguishers to stop this madness.

Free Ukraine, free the World from imperialism!

Performance realizada em Nova York na frente do consulado Russo Trazemos partes de corpos de pessoas da Ucrânia para entregar no consulado russo em Nova York.

A Ucrânia está entre dois incêndios e trazemos extintores para acabar com essa loucura.

Liberte a Ucrânia, liberte o mundo do imperialismo!

[Flyer by Black] [Sign by Jez Bold] [Music by Jacob Cohen ]

Performance with support and collaboration with MACC


photos by Mara Catalan

photos by Marisa Holmes





The Brazilian government wants to pass a new law to open up the heart of Amazon to devastating industrial projects, and legalize the expulsion of indigenous peoples from their ancestral lands. The Brazilian government is pushing draft bill PL490 that will essentially legalize genocide.

But there is hope: if the people from all over the world are against the genocide of indigenous people, and destruction of Amazonia Forest, our pressure could tip the balance.

First Healing house from Gojira / Anarkoartlab Campaing - Mato Grosso do Sul - Brazil [August 2021]

Indigenous and Artists articulations

Joe from GOJIRA Planting the first tree for the healing houses project - Mato Grosso do Sul / Brasil - August 2021


We expected $75.000 but we got $320.000 — $150.000 went to APIB (Brazil’s Indigenous People Articulation) and $170.000 went to Kuñangue Aty Guasu – Assembly of Guarani and Kaiowa Indigenous Women.

Take responsibility, this fight is also yours.

The Indigenous from Brazil are in the front line of this fight and we are with them.

You can be with us posting your art at

Think about it…. and act


08/25, 2021

This is a site-specific-performance-ritual-social-sculpture by Anarkoartlab in front of the supreme court in Brasília, together with 6,000 indigenous people from all over Brazil doing a ritual of cleaning the blood of our ancestors that were abused, tortured, murdered.

DESTROYING KILLING AND BURYING PL490 [Destruindo matando e enterrando a PL 490]


Union Square /NYC The day and time the Pl 490 was voting in Brazil

Art Laundry $

Miami [ Art Basel]


[in collaboration with Non Grata ] “Human zoo”

Photos Mara Catalan

Photo Mara Catalan

Photo Mara Catalan

Photo Mara Catalan

Photo Mara Catalan

Photo Mara Catalan

Photo Mara Catalan

Photo Mara Catalan

Photo Mara Catalan

Photo Mara Catalan

Performance AGAINST FASCISM in the DRAG STORY HOUR [DSH]- The fascists are making a bulling with the art performers. The public libraries have a project to introduce the queer world to children, in this way queer children feel more welcome from the community.

Fascists are coming in the DSH library door and say we queer trans people are pedophiles for reading books to children

VIDEO PERFORMANCE = “STOP” fascists in NYC ritual

Ritual / Performance


Amazonia decolonization ritual in front of the NYC STOCK EXCHANGE BUILDING.

April 23, 2021

performed in front of the NYC Stock Exchange building, a site specific ritual;

[Where corporations from many parts of the world are actively stolen indigenous territories and also they are responsible for the process of destroying the forest and murdering the indigenous peoples. ]

The NY Stock Exchange is an extremely guarded, policed, armed place.

So we decided to do the ritual in silence and with the people who were there, and we did everything in 7 minutes for security reasons.

We rolled out in front of her a red carpet with the names of some of the corporations that are in the Amazonia and Mato Grosso do Sul. At the end of the carpet, facing the stock exchange building, AMAZONIA was written that was abstracted in blood.

A ritual of cleaning the blood of indigenous people was performed in front of the stock exchange building.

Cameras: Benjamin Ferguson / Marisa Homes

Ritual performers: ANARKOARTLAB [Adriana Varella / Amy Gillian Wilson]



ANARKOARTLAB [Adriana Varella and Amy Gillian Wilson] in collaboration with MACC

Site specific to ICE building - Manhattan NYC / Brooklyn Brigid

cameras: Lee Favorite / Benjamin Ferguson / Marisa Homes

Ritual performers: ANARKOARTLAB [Adriana Varella / Amy Gillian Wilson] in collaboration with MACC members

also against our wishes with [the participation of NYPD - they followed us in Brooklyn ]



[Streets of NYC (The collective walked from Brooklyn to Times Square and stop at Central Park, Columbus circle, East Village to perform)


This public art performance is a direct response to the current crime against humanity happening in the Amazon Rain forest committed by corporations and the Brazilian government. The durational performance presented by AnarkoArtLab involves two artists, Adriana Varella and Amy Gillian Wilson, ritualistically dragging a burnt and smoking tree throughout New York City.  Are we all responsible for this? Are we seeking a parallel world? Can we even imagine what a solution could be?

Video Production:

(Cameras) Sirius Toro and Joe Fionda

(Drone) = Sirius Toro

(Edition) = Camila Marchon

(Production) = Ana Luisa Anjos

(Pictures) = Thais Aquino

Photo Tais Aquino

Photo Thais Aquino


photo Thais Aquino

photo Tais Aquino

photo Thais Aquino


Queens Museum



Picture Mara Catalan

new configurations for a queer family.jpg

Concept: Everyone hatches the egg

Broken Borders’ life - lines

Collaboration with Vilma PeDiu

[Last Frontier]


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Concept: Everyone in the public becomes part of a big wall of bodies that later falls apart

Parallel Possibilities [ Experiments on Trans-Architectural Bodies ]


[Black / Red / Jacob Cohen / Public]

(KGB, New York )



The action is: A buffoon that places reverse genitals in the public's body and invites them to have sex:

Transversal concept: According to the person's sexual genre, if is a male the Buffon gives to the person a vagina, and the Buffon penetrates him with a phallus of paper marche,

if the person from the public is female, the buffoon give her a penis and the Buffoon uses a vagina and ask to the woman fucking with them like a guy.

This experience of inversion of the opposite sex genitalia proposes an unconscious aspect of inversion sensations


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Many different positions of bodies a queer orgy can take shape